Amiri Kadeem Khalis


3ML, 6ML, 12ML

Oil specs of

Agar Oil

The fragrance of Amiri Kadeem Khalis is as uniquely Powerful, Strong and Unmatchable as its name, and leaves a Strong Lingering Trail of its fragrance which last for a long time.

means Ruler and Unique

Amiri Kadeem Khalis

With a Standard of its own yet so Natural and Humble. So highly contrasting and distinct its name so is its fragrance, immensely Divine and Heavenly. A Signature Fragrance for the person who wears it by depicting his/her characteristic of being so Powerful, Strong, Unbeatable, Unreachable, securing a Top Position and Class while simultaneously being so Humanly Humble and Down-to-earth.

اميري قديم خالس

The fragrance tantalizes and mesmerizes the wearer surrounding by setting a unique ‘Mark of its Presence’ which is strongly noticeable and unavoidable.